planetcasio command-line reference

planetcasio (or python -m planetcasio) is the command-line interface used to run some operations implemented by the Python module.

The command-line interface exposes a number of configuration options. Each option option is configurable through the following cumulative means:

  • A UNIX-style command-line option;

  • An environment variable set directly.

When a configuration option is given through multiple means, the resolution order of such the value is the one given above.

There are multiple subcommands, documented in each subsection. All subcommands share a common subset of options, which if provided, must be placed before the subcommand, e.g. planetcasio -u myuser update-program ....

Common options are the following:

-b, --base-url

Environment variable: PC_BASE_URL

Base URL to connect to Planète Casio.

This is useful if using an alternate version of Planète Casio, such as a local development version, or the staging version available at

By default, this is set to

-u, --user

Environment variable: PC_USER

Username to authenticate with, if authentication is used.

-p, --password

Environment variable: PC_PASSWORD

Password to authenticate with, if authentication is used.


This command can be used to update a program with a given identifier. This identifier can be found in the URL of the program, e.g. 2994 in the following URL:

The program’s identifier must be provided after the subcommand, e.g. planetcasio update-program 2994.

Available options are the following:


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_AUTHOR

Username or arbitrary text to set as the program’s author.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_VERSION

Text to set as the program’s version.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_SIZE

Positive integer to set as the program’s size.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION

BBCode text to set as the program’s description.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_LICENSE

Value to set as the program’s license.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_IMAGE

Path to the image to set as the program’s image.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_FILE1

Path to the file to set as the program’s first file.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_FILE2

Path to the file to set as the program’s second file.


Environment variable: PC_PROGRAM_FILE3

Path to the file to set as the program’s third file.