planetcasio.transport – Client transport definition

exception planetcasio.transport.UnexpectedRedirect(message: str | None = None, /, *, location: str | None = None)

Bases: Exception

A 3xx status code was received while redirects were disabled.

location: str | None

Location to which the request was originally redirected.

exception planetcasio.transport.FormNotFound(message: str | None = None, /)

Bases: Exception

Form was not found with the given parameters.

pydantic model planetcasio.transport.TransportConfig

Bases: BaseModel

Transport configuration.

  • _validate » all fields

field auth: tuple[Username, Password] | None [Required]

Optional redentials.

Validated by:
  • _validate

field base_url: HttpUrl [Required]

Base URL.

Validated by:
  • _validate

class planetcasio.transport.Transport(*, session: ClientSession, config: TransportConfig)

Bases: object

Client for interacting with Planète Casio.

config: TransportConfig


session: ClientSession

HTTP client session.

classmethod context(config: TransportConfig, /) AsyncIterator[TransportType]

Get a transport in a context.

async authenticate() _AuthData

Authenticate to the API.

async check_auth() None

Check that we have valid authentication data.


CredentialsRequired – Credentials have not been provided.

Get the current session cookie.


Current cookie.

async request_api(path: str, /, *, model: None = None, method: str | None = None, params: dict[str, str] | None = None, form_data: dict[str, str] | None = None) None
async request_api(path: str, /, *, model: type[APIResponseType], method: str | None = None, params: dict[str, str] | None = None, form_data: dict[str, str] | None = None) APIResponseType

Make an API request, and expect JSON to be returned.

  • path – Path to the API endpoint.

  • method – Method to use with the API endpoint.

  • params – Query parameters to pass to the API endpoint.

  • form_data – Form data to post to the endpoint.

  • model – Expected response model.


API response, in the provided format.

async request_html(path: str, /, *, params: dict[str, str] | None = None) Element

Make a web interface request, and expect HTML to be returned.

  • path – Path to the web interface endpoint.

  • query – Query parameters.


Parsed document.

submit_form(path: str, values: dict[str, str] | None = None, /, *, form_path: str = '//form', params: dict[str, str] | None = None, files: dict[str, Path | str | tuple[str | Path, BytesIO | bytes | str]] | None = None) AsyncIterator[ClientResponse]

Submit an HTML form present on the website.

  • path – Path to the page containing the form to submit.

  • values – Values to add to the form.

  • form_path – XPath of the form to submit.

  • params – Query parameters to get the form.

  • files – File values to add to the form.

class planetcasio.transport.BaseClient(config: TransportConfig, /)

Bases: object

Holder for a transport, which creates the transport if need be.

property transport: Transport

Get the current transport.

class planetcasio.transport.Feature(client: BaseClient, /)

Bases: object

Object that makes use of a base client.

client: BaseClient

Client to make use of.

property transport: Transport

Get the transport.